The 4 Stages of Marketing Your Therapy Business
Part 2. Spread the Love
Your attitude, free resources, be charitable.
My Internet Marketing hero, Brett McFall, author of ‘how to make money while you sleep’ gave me the best marketing advice ever when he said, “give away your best stuff for free and people will come back with their wallets open, begging to pay you for more”. Years later I also heard a similar analogy, ‘keep your hands open to give and to receive’.
More specifically in this article, spreading the love of my profession – in a way that brings value to the people I meet, has always resulted in a healthy exchange.
There are 101 ways to spread the love. Here is a small sample of the things I’ve done over the years:
If I see someone on social media openly sharing that they are struggling in some way – I shoot them a private message. I start by stating that I saw their message and acted on the impulse to offer my support. I explicitly state that I am not looking for payment but am happy to help because I care. I also let them know that I have helped many people with this issue and have had excellent results. That’s it, I leave the ball in their court and get on with my day. Rarely have I had no reply, often people thank me and appreciate the offer but do nothing, other times my offer of help is accepted, and someone is in a better place.
Random acts of kindness like these can have a huge impact – the ripple extending far and wide, the only difference is, this ripple doesn’t peter out and lose its force – obviously I cannot prove this but do see and feel the positive effects of it every day. Woo Woo maybe, but I’ll take that.
Another ‘love hack’ I like to do is offer a team session for my bigger clients who work in a team or have a team working for them. This is a great opportunity for you to give a sample of your work to people who know each other. I recently offered this to one of my marketing clients who have a team of 8 working across the US in sales and customer service. They mentioned that COVID had caused a lot of stress for their team due to some of their clients being uncharacteristically rude during routine phone calls.
I decided to offer them all a group session to help cope with anxiety and stress. All 8 of the team and my client took part in the group session, for which I received some wonderful feedback. I also got 3x 5-session paid bookings from that 1 session. My investment = 90 minutes, Sales = $1785.
I know that some hypnotherapists are reluctant to offer free sessions, they think it devalues their craft or looks desperate. I strongly disagree with this limiting belief and have plenty of proof to the contrary. That’s right, hypnotherapists have limiting beliefs too!
My best reason for offering free sessions is to allow me to dispel the hard-wired preconceptions that people have around hypnosis. How many times has a friend or client asked you if you are going to make them cluck like a chicken? It’s a standard joke within our profession. However, this and other objections can be used to the great advantage and help to relax and reassure potential clients of the validity and potential of hypnotherapy. Once someone has had a hypnotic experience, they will soon shift their perception and be open to working with you.
These small convincers are a crucial part of making the most of every opportunity and the beginning of valuable conversations.
Like it or not, our job is to change perceptions in and out of the therapy room if hypnosis is to gain the respect and credit it deserves.
My hypnosis mentor and friend, Freddy Jacquin is a great exponent of this philosophy. For many years Freddy has offered pain relief sessions free of charge. This is 100% congruent with his generous personality and his way of ‘spreading the love’ by helping those in need.
What’s congruent with your worldview? What can you share that will benefit your audience? I say the audience because this encompasses a wider field than simply calling them potential clients. Sometimes the people we help are not the ones who come back with their wallets open.
Late in 2019 after attending one of Freddy’s Retreat Weekends, I decided to start a Mindfulness Group in my local village hall – starting January 2020. This was a huge leap of faith on my part that took me way out of my comfort zone. Committing myself to turn up once a fortnight, keeping folks engaged for 90 minutes, and not knowing what to expect in terms of response – filled me with dread. But I did it anyway. Charging only £20 each for a total of 6 sessions (to cover the village hall hire costs) I began something that has grown into a small movement locally and still continues today, online via zoom every Tuesday evening at 8 pm.
You can read more about The Whitton Mindfulness Group Story >>Here<<
What can you do to spread the love? The best way to think about this is to let go of any outcome and to focus on the benefits to those receiving the love. That’s it, let go of YOU for a moment and focus on those you can and will help. Maybe a local hospice needs your services!
Once you shift your mindset into ‘spread the love’ mode you will see hundreds of ideas begin to flow. There are lots of support groups out there… Maybe you have an interest or connection with one of them personally or through your family. Explore these ideas and push aside your limiting beliefs.
Truth is, there are opportunities all around us if we are willing to open our hearts and minds.
Go ahead – Spread the love
You’ll be glad you did.
PS: I would love to hear about what you have done to spread the love and the journey it takes you on.
Previous Article: Stage 1. Nurture what you already have >>Read Here<<
Go to Stage 3. >>Click Here<<
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