Overcome Phobias with Hypnosis cheat sheet
Watch this short video first (6 mins long) then click on the Cheat Sheet pdf below this video and the bonus link to access the google drive folder with the first 5 image inspiration, plus many more.
Overcome Phobias with Hypnosis cheat sheet pdf >>click here<<
Access the Google Drive link to the first five images plus extras from the Picture Inspiration column >>click here<<
Use this link to access my previous ai design basic training >>click here<<
Use these links to get started with AI:
First, set up a Discord account (it’s free)
To learn more about midjourney, read this article.
If you decide to upgrade to a paid account and you want to use midjourney without all the clutter, watch this video.
Discover some cool prompts to enhance your designs at:
This is a great article about a free alternative to midjourney.
You can sign up for and use Bluewillow here:
Another cool resource where you can find lots of ‘Beta’ design tools to test for free:
Once inside Huggingface, Go to ‘spaces’ and select ‘Most likes’ to find the most popular tools.

1-1 AI Design Coaching Package
My AI Design Package includes 2 hours 1-1 coaching on Zoom, I will work with you on a specific project, and provide detailed instructions to get the most out of both paid and free AI design resources. You will learn the best prompts to get the best results and how to scale, edit and enhance your creations using Canva. The tools and skills you will learn will massively improve your appearance online.
Your investment is £200. Click Here to find out more.